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Jon Izquierdo

Jell for Microsoft Teams brings structured communication to Microsoft Teams with daily standups and highly customizable team check-ins.

Jell for Microsoft Teams
Add daily standups and team check-ins to Microsoft Teams
Jon Izquierdo

Hired: Smarter, Faster, Easier Way to Get a Job as a UX Designer is a step by step book to landing a great job as a designer.

The book is a result of 10+ years in tech and hundreds of one-on-one coaching sessions with designers. There's something for all levels of designers in the book.

Note: Use coupon code ‘producthunt’ for $5 off.

Hired Book
Hired Book
Find a job as a UX Designer
Jon Izquierdo
UXD Book
UXD Book
A career guide for UX Designers
Jon Izquierdo

Jell is centralized platform for daily standups, team check-ins, and OKRs.

Keep your team up to date without another meeting